Why Mindset Matters When Changing Careers

When I start working with a new Career Coaching client, one of the first things we do is talk about mindset.

It might seem odd: someone hires me to help them with their career (clarifying career goals, finding a new job, asking for a promotion, etc.), and the first thing I say is, “We’re going to start with a mindset exercise.” 

Why do we start with a mindset exercise?

If you feel utterly miserable in your current job and you are desperate to leave, it’s going to be hard to land a great new job.

It’s crucial to get to a place where you feel excited about the future, satisfied with the journey you’re currently on, and overall feeling positive about where you are now. When you reach this mindset of positivity, and can say, “I’m okay where I am now, and I’m even more excited about where I’m going,” it sets you up to be emotionally, mentally, and energetically prepared for what’s next.

When you’re looking for a new job, recruiters, hiring managers, and company leaders can sense when you’re desperate to leave your current job. And frankly, it’s a total turn-off.

I incorporate mindset work into my Career Coaching Program because there are several benefits: 

  • When you’re applying for new jobs, the way you show up to interviews will be overall more positive and well-received by whoever you’re speaking to at that company. You won’t have an air of desperation.

  • You start to see possibilities instead of limitations. When we work on your mindset, you learn to navigate any self-doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs, and you learn to reframe them. You take power over your thoughts and have a strategy for pushing back against negativity and instead, you start to see what’s possible for you.

  • You’re simply going to feel better in your own mind! You will feel less stressed, more at peace, and a greater sense of positivity about where you are in your life & career now and what’s to come. 

Now, working on your mindset doesn’t mean that you need to be in a place where you feel like, “Oh I love my job where I’m at now! I’m totally satisfied with my current situation!” That’s probably not realistic; that’s not what I’m telling you that you need to feel. 

However, a mindset of positivity, being at peace with yourself, and excitement for the future, will serve you well as you change careers.

I provided trusted Career Coaching to professional women. If you’re ready to show up with confidence and take control of your career, book your free introductory call today:


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