Choose the Path of Adventure

We came to a fork in the trail.

My friend Jen looked at me and asked, “Which way do you want to go?”

We were hiking in Acadia National Park, on the beautiful coast of Maine. We were doing a well-known hike in the park called Beehive Loop, leading to the summit of The Beehive, a mountain that offers sweeping coastal views of the surrounding area.

There are 2 ways to get to the top of The Beehive:

  1. The “Bowl” trail, which takes you on a gentle uphill walk up the mountain, past a pond, and through a forest until you reach the summit.

  2. The “Beehive” trail is shorter, but much more treacherous. It takes you up the side of an exposed cliff, clinging onto nothing but iron rungs that have been secured into the side of the mountain. (This trail is no joke– click here to check out  videos of people hiking it).

Jen and I were well aware of the two options we had. We heard about The Beehive and read the warning signs at the trailhead. After a quick discussion, we decided to take the much more challenging Beehive Trail. 

Once we started the ascent up the cliffside ladders, I almost peed my pants.

I’m afraid of heights, you see, and it was pretty damn scary being on the side of the rock face, clinging to nothing but a small iron rung.

Thanks to the encouragement of some other hikers, as well as sheer determination to reach the summit, we made it to the top. And holy cow, was it worth it! The sweeping views in every direction wasn’t the only reward though– my sense of accomplishment at having completed one of the most difficult hiking trails in Acadia National Park left me beaming with pride.

Jen and I chose the path of adventure.

When we were at that fork in the hiking trail, we decided not to take the easy route. We chose the route that was more challenging and more adventurous. Yes, there was risk involved. Yes, my hands were clammy and shaking most of the way up. But it was oh-so worth it.

The theme of adventure continued throughout our time in Maine. The next morning, we set our alarms for 3:30 am and started hiking in the dark so we could catch sunrise from Cadillac Mountain, the point that sees the first sunrise in the continental United States. Once again, this was no easy feat. We were making our way up a mountain in pitch black dark, armed only with our headlamps and AllTrails app. At one point, Jen said to me, “There could be bears circling us right now and we would have no idea.”

Just like the Beehive Trail, the hike in the dark to the summit of Cadillac Mountain was totally worth it. I saw one of the most beautiful sunrises of my entire life.

Once again, choosing the path of adventure awarded me with an incredible experience, view, and memory to last a lifetime.

Life is the same way. Choosing the path of adventure might be scary, but it’s usually always worth it.

If you’re trying to make a decision in your life right now, and you don’t know which choice to make, I encourage you to consider choosing the path of adventure (without being reckless, of course). We as humans are biologically programmed to want to “play it safe” in life. We stick with what’s familiar, what we’re used to, what feels “safe” to us. When we start doing things differently than normal, our hormones fire off and tell our brain that we’re in danger, which creates stress. Most people like to avoid that kind of stress. As a result, so many people go through life playing small, avoiding risk-taking, and taking the easy route, even if it makes them unhappy or bored.

And then there’s the path of adventure. This is that choice that is more risky. It’s daunting. It’s unfamiliar. You don’t know the exact outcome or result you’re going to get when you go down this path. It will test your skills and capabilities, force you to adapt under pressure, and allow you to try something new and different.

So what path would you choose?

For me, it’s the path of adventure every time. Why?

  • You can’t grow or develop as a person by doing what you’ve always done. In order to gain new skills and develop as a person, you have to try new things. At some point, Mark Twain started writing a book for the first time ever. Pablo Picasso started painting for the first time ever. These were new to them at some point. By trying them, they grew and developed their skills to become the greatest in their fields.

  • The path of adventure is more fun. It’s simple, but true. The adventurous choice keeps you on your toes, excites you, and challenges you. It’s fun to navigate this excitement and adventure. And when you’re having fun, you start living with more joy.

  • The payoff is worth it. You know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s like receiving a medal when you cross the finish line of a 5K or half-marathon. When you do something challenging and adventurous, the reward is an achievement, an honor. You swell with pride at the work you’ve put in, knowing that it was no easy accomplishment.

Choose your adventure. 

Start the business.
Apply for the dream job.
Take the vacation.

Do the things that excite you and scare you just a little bit. The person you become on those adventures is going to be worth the ride.

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