4 Tips to Ace Your Job Interview

Job interviews suck.

They can be nerve-racking.
You don’t know what the interviewer is going to ask you.
You might not know what they’re looking for.
Bragging about yourself can be uncomfortable.
And really, when it’s all said and one, you just want to leave a good impression and get hired, right?

Before your interview, familiarize yourself thoroughly with the position. Take a careful look at the job description, qualifications, responsibilities, education & experience, and any additional requirements. You should have a solid understanding of what they’re looking for and how your experience aligns. I always recommend my Career Coaching clients print out the job description before the interview and have it nearby, so they can reference a few specific details during the interview. 

In addition to understanding the role and what the company wants, there are several keys to setting yourself up for success when interviewing for a job. These 4 tips seem simple, but they’re highly effective when used correctly. 

4 Tips to Ace Your Job Interview:

  1. Demonstrate enthusiasm for the company or position you’re interviewing for. You will, without a doubt, be asked, “Why do you want to work for us?” or “Why do you want this position?” This is your chance to convey enthusiasm and excitement for the position. “I understand your company is doing some exciting work in XYZ— here’s how I think I can help you to achieve your goals. Here’s how my background, experience, education, and training would be of use to you.” Not only does this demonstrate enthusiasm for what they’re doing (you care!), but it also shows that you’ve done your homework, and creates a narrative about how your background or experience will help them achieve their company goals. Show that you meet the criteria for the job description, and even go above and beyond.

  2. Use the story-telling job interview technique. When answering interview questions, tell stories from your career (and your life) that demonstrate your strengths, skills, and experience. Use your stories to weave in details and numbers that quantify your success. People LOVE listening to stories. Stories are memorable and often elicit emotions. Instead of just answering an interview question, give your answer in story format. Make sure these stories align with the qualifications or criteria that the job description is looking for– they’re not just random stories that you’re telling, they must serve a purpose. This will make you stand out from other candidates, who simply answer the question directly without supporting their answer with specific stories or examples. 

  3. Do your research on the company. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the company as a whole. Go to the “News” section of Google to search for the latest articles or stories that mention the company. Take note of what you learn: expansions, recent developments, new markets, etc. and incorporate this into your interview. Show that you are curious about what they’re doing now and where they’re headed. Demonstrate your interest in the company based on what you find in your research.

  4. Ask thoughtful questions. Your job interviewer will ask, “Do you have any questions for me?” Never say no! You should come in with at least 3 questions prepared for your interviewer. Here are some great questions you can ask:

    1. “What do you wish people knew about the company that they don’t?”

    2. “How are you different from other ___________ (industry) companies?”

    3. “Where do you expect the company to be in 5 years?”

    4. “What do you wish people knew about the company that they don’t?”

    5. “What are the current goals that the company (as a whole) is focused on, and how would my team/position work to support hitting those goals?”

If you follow these 4 tips, job interviews will feel less uncomfortable and more predictable. You’ll view them as a chance to demonstrate who you are and why you’re a good fit for the company, while giving stories and examples that align your skills & experience with the company’s future goals.

Job interviews don’t have to suck.

I’ve helped over 100 professional women achieve career success, and I’m ready to get to work for you, too. Get started by booking your free 30-minute Breakthrough Session today:


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